VW Camper Restoration

Time to fix my favourite toy, the rust is eating her alive so it's restoration time!

If I'm going to spend a fortune then it might as well look different, ST orange anyone?

Should look something like this....

Out comes the interior

And sound system

That'll be a blank canvas then!

Looks a bit sorry for herself... :-(

And off to the paint shop...

Uh oh, here comes the orange!!

Aaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! What have I done to her!?

Looks a bit flat but I'll try to get some pics that pic out the pearlescent paint.....

New windows cut in

Interior painted and ready for lining

She's back! STILL not figured out how to photograph the paint properly...

Still lots to do on the inside, might scrap cupboards etc and settle for a huge bed! :)

Cab roof ready for fitting

New seats from a BMW Z3

Big hole!

Not any more...

Rubbish (but still �500) ply lining ripped out.

And do it all again... Floor in

Followed by side with insulation.

Ta da!

Shot for VW nerds, for to get round the fuel tank filler...

Dividing wall ready for partitions

Partitions in

Plus hatch

Horrible nasty foul nasty bed hinges done

Another hatch

Bed in. Just in time for a kip!


And more refreshments....

Cab speakers in

Last of cupboards in

Ready for carpeting!

Stupid *kin bed finally sorted and fitted.

Why is there no such thing as an honest trader?? I asked the local car upholsterer to sort the carpet, he huffed and puffed then told me it would take two pros a week and cost me �2.5k. I spend �100 on van liner and look at the result...

Roof wasn't easy!

Whole thing took me half a day, so much for the upholsterer saying a week for 2 pros.... No wonder we're in a recession!

Cab lined

Bed covered

Just need to figure out how to make curtains now!